If you have owned a cat for a long time then you must be aware of your cat’s distinct behavior of licking itself for a long time. You might have guessed that they are cleaning themselves. You are right to a certain extent but sometimes there is more than simple grooming for your cat licks itself.
Due to different factors, your cat can lick themselves excessively. We are going to discuss those reasons and also know whether your cat is overgrooming or under-grooming themselves. Ans the effect f in your cat as well.
Sometimes your cat just is attracted to the lotion you are wearing or the salt on your body. If you think that is the reason your cat is licking you then you might need to be cautious. Most lotions and creams contain essential oil and chemicals that can be toxic to your cat. So, you might want to look for the ingredient contained in the products that your use or prevent your cats from such behavior.
So, it is best to get your cat’s wound treated before it gets worse. If the wound is noticeably large it is best to take them to the vet to get the wound treated to prevent any sort of infection.
Reasons Your Cat Lick Themselves
There can be many reasons behind your cats grooming themselves. Grooming can be normal to some extent but might be the underlying problem that leads to grooming. Here are some reasons you can consider regarding your cat’s grooming behavior.To Groom Themselves and Other Cats
The most obvious reason that your cat licks itself is probably to keep its fur nice and clean. A cat spends about half of its time grooming itself. Cat love to keep themselves clean. This is one reason why a cat is considered clean compared to other pet animals like dogs. Grooming plays a great role when cats become a mother. Mother cats first groom their just born cat to remove the amniotic sac and then to stimulate breathing. Later as the kitten starts nursing, the mother cat will lick its back area to stimulate urination and defecation. The kittens also learn the grooming behavior from their mother and start self-grooming when they are a few weeks old. They later adopt this behavior to keep themselves clean. The barbed tongues help remove the debris for the fur, detangle the tangled hair, and remove the loose hair. This also ensures there is no parasite infestation case going on. Sometimes cats might not be able to reach certain parts of their part. So, other cats help them by licking those parts. They have built this habit when they are as little as kittens by licking their siblings. This helps create a bond and a friendship between the cats. Perfect grooming schedule healthy coat of fur. You might be wondering how to know whether your cat’s fur is healthy or not. These are signs of healthy fur: – Shiny and soft fur – Little to no dander – No bald patches and black specks – Lest dead undercoatTo Form a Bond with Its Owner
When a cat is a little kitten they have experiences security and are from its mother when they are groomed. They have opted for this behavior towards their close ones as well. If your cat does so then your cat is showing affection and has accepted you as a family. Their saliva has a distinct scent that they love marking on to their friends and family.
To Deal with Medical Issues
Your cat licking behavior maybe also a sign of any health problems with your cat. You should keep an eye on your cat’s licking pattern, like whether it is focused on licking a particular area. Cats most of the time lick themselves to remove the irritation and pain caused due to different reasons. Medical problems such as oral and digestive disorders, and nausea can also be the reason for your cat grooming. Sometimes your cat might stop grooming for the same reason as well. If you notice such then something is surely wrong with your cat. If you suspect some problems or notice some complications then you need to take your cat to the vet to get them checked, find the problem, and treated it in time.To Manage Stress
Cats enjoy grooming themselves. It provides them great pleasure. Usually, they follow a certain pattern when grooming themselves. They might start by licking their paws and then rubbing them over their face and ears. Then work their way toward the lower part of the body. This helps them soothe their mind. So, it is a great way for cats to release their stress and their anxiety. It reduces their build-up anxiety, frustration, and conflict. This type of behavior of licking themselves is also called ‘displacement behavior’. A highly stressed cat can end up grooming itself in an excessive manner leading to bald patches and irritated spots on the skin. This situation also calls for medical assistance as well.To Clean Injuries
Ctas saliva contains enzymes that act as sort of an antibiotic. So, if your cat gets small wounds or then it might focus on licking that particular area. The saliva cleans the wound and also keeps it free from infection to some extent. Excessive licking can also lead to infection and keeping the wound wet for a long time can also delay the healing of the wound.