Why do Dogs Play?

The favorite time of the day for every dog is playtime. You can also agree on that. Every time you introduce a toy or take your dog to some open places to play, their tail wagging won’t stop. Play by definition is fun. So, if something is not fun then is it playing? Dogs take […]

Can Indoor Cats Get Flea?

Oh, how fun it is to have a cat around you all the time and to play with. The fun doesn’t last for long after you notice a black spot on your cat. You take a closer look at it and to your disbelief, you see a flea. The worst nightmare of every cat owner. […]

How often should Cats have a Health Checkup?

According to pet ownership survey done by American Veterinary Medical Assosciation (AVMA) in 2016, about 48% of the total cat owners only take their cat to the routine health check up whereas the remaining 52% do not. Having a cat is all fun, but the fun comes with responsibilities. Responsibilities to look after your cat […]

How to Teach a Dog to Fetch?

You have a dog and are very excited to teach them new tricks. The first trick you would want to teach your dog like many dog owners do, may be fetching. It is one of the common tricks aside from making them sit and making them give their paw on command. Fetch simply means to […]

How to know a Cat is in Heat?

Do you have an unneutered cat? Chances are your cat is likely to go in heat, also called oestrus. If you have a female cat, it will start looking for a partner to mate and if you have a male cat, it will search for a female cat in heat. After your cat reaches a […]

Do Dogs Like Wearing Clothes?

Are you trying to put on an outfit for your cute dog but not sure whether they like it or not? Well, they do and they don’t. Not every dog is built the same, so the idea of liking it or not depends on the dog. You must be keen on putting your dog in […]

Do Cats like Wearing Clothes?

Seeing a cat in a human outfit is to die for. There is always a time we have found ourselves searching for ‘cats in clothes‘ on google and completely losing it seeing the cute results. Well, you are not the only one; many are guilty of doing so, but have you ever wondered if a […]

Are Cats Colorblind?

Do you know that the vision of cats compare to us is completely different? We may be looking at the same thing but the vision differs.  Many cat parents are curious about how their cat sees their world! They want to know if it is as colorful and clear as a normal human sees. Every […]

Why do Cats Purr?

Cats are quite vocal animals and are capable to make up to 100 types of vocals. The vocalization of the cat can mean anything. Cat express their emotions, their discomfort, and their pain through vocalizing different sounds. The sounds can vary from meows, trills, hisses, growls, and many more. Also Read: Why do Cats Trill?  […]

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

Cats are well known for sleeping wherever they want. You also might have noticed your cat doing so and wondered “Why does my cat sleep so much?” . It might be snoozing off on the kitchen counter, on an unexpected corner of the room, in their beloved cat house, and even on top of your […]