
How Many Kittens Can a Cat Have in its Lifetime?

We all adore cute kittens and are excited when a cat is about to give birth. You must be curious about how many cats can give birth its lifetime. Cats are prolific animals and if not checked then they can produce a large number of kittens. The kitten season usually occurs each year between April […]

cat likes to lay on chest

6 Reasons Why Cat Likes to Lay on Chest

As a cat parent, you are aware that cat takes more time to open up and when they do open up they are your best friend. It is best to know as much as you can about your feline friend, so you can provide better care for your cat and know what their behavior means. […]

male cats have nipples

Do Male Cats Have Nipples? All You Need to Know About!

Cat is one of the loved pet animals all around the world. They are available in different species you can choose from. They are human’s best friends like dogs. Many people have one question in their minds. Do male cats have nipples? The simple answer to this question is, yes male cats also have nipples […]

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