clean felt shoes

How to Clean Felt Shoes? Step by Step

Nowadays everyone is into felt shoes. These shoes are very comfortable for the feet and are available in different styles meeting every fashion requirement. Every environmentally-friendly person owns a pair. Durability and sustainability have been great factors in the fashion industry. Felt shoes are very tough to dirt and moisture but it does require cleaning, […]

how to felt wool

How to Felt Wool? Ways and Techniques

If you are looking for a hobby, why not try felting. It is fun doesn’t matter what age you are. You can create anything using your imagination and your skill. With the right basics from the start, you can master felting. As a beginner, understanding the process of felting can be a bit puzzling as […]

how to needle felt

How to Needle Felt? Step By Step Easy Guides (2024 updated)

If you are looking for a hobby to start then why not needle felting? It is fun, great for creative minds to express their creativity, and therapeutic. You can make cute, meaningful gifts or decors for your home. So consider it as a DIY project to try. You can engage your children also in the […]

cat shows affection

Ways Cat Shows Their Love and Affection

Cats are considered quite relatively less affectionate than dogs Many people claim that it is rare for a cat to love their owner. This is a common misconception that many people have, so they tend to look for a dog rather than a cat for a pet friend. Cats are subtle when showing affection. They […]

carding wool

How to Card Wool? (2024)

You may have heard knitting and felting. Before this, all process requires carding the wool. Usually, the wool obtained from the sheep is matted and tangled which makes it hard to work with. This is where the carding takes place. Carding is the process of separating the dirt from the wool and aligning the wool […]