At one point we all have experienced our favorite sweater or any garment shrinking after a wash. Even though it wasn’t intentional you lost your favorite sweater and you cannot do anything about it.
It keeps you wondering what went wrong that resulted in your garment shrinking. Well, don’t worry we have prepared this blog to make you aware of what went wrong and how you can prevent that from happening again.
First of all, let’s look at the structure of the wool fiber.
What if you did end up shrinking your woolen garments? Don’t worry there are some ways you can unshrink your wool. You can use stuff that you can find easily in your home like hair conditioner or fabric conditioner. So, you don’t need any special or extra knowledge to do so.
The process of unshrinking the wool takes more time than it takes you ot shrink it. So, you need to have great patience and effort to unshrink it. You might wonder if it is worthy to rescue the damaged piece. Well, that depends on yourself. So, let’s look at some ways you can unshrink your woolen garments:
Structure of the Fiber
The fibers of animals are not smooth. There are scales on every strand of the fiber. When any sort of external force or agitation is applied then the scales of fibers can also lock with each other. This is why the wool felts or shrinks in size. Fibers with larger scales can shrink more easily than fibers with small scales. So, the structure of the wool is one of the main factors that cause the fibers to shrink. But don’t worry, it can be prevented. There are different tips that can help you to prevent your wool from shrinking. But before that let us find out how you can shrink it.Culprits Behind Shrinking
Wool is one of the durable fabrics but it is not safe to shrinkage. Here are the three main culprits behind the reason that causes the wool fibers to shrink. They are:Moisture
When the fiber of the wool comes in contact with moisture the fiber starts to expand. The gap that is caused due to the expansion is filled with moisture and causes the fiber to tighten up. So, when the wool is then allowed to dry naturally the fabric will experience some sort of shrinking. The shrinking won’t be extreme but there will be minimal shrinkage to the fabric.Heat
Heat is the main cause of shrinkage. When the fibers of the wool come in contact with any sort of heat, it causes the fiber to contract. The scale of the fiber minimizes and so the fiber shrinks. So, it is recommended to not use any sort of heat on the woolen products. If it does come in contact then there is a high chance that the garment would get damaged.Agitation
When agitation is applied to the fabric it causes the fiber to stretch beyond its original length. The fibers also won’t align in the same direction. When it is a cold wash, it doesn’t create any problem but if heat is applied then it causes the fibers to flare out and snag onto each other. The wool gets intertwined with each other and the fibers shrink in size.Different types of Shrinkage
The shrinkage of the fabric can differ on the stress that it is exposed to. It can depend upon the heat, mechanical, and chemicals on how the fabric shrinks. It can be intentional as well as a mistake. The Shrinkage also can differ from one natural fiber to another. So, let’s look at different types of shrinkage that can occur. There are three different types of shrinkage. They are:Felting
In the woolen world, felting is a common word that is often heard. It is the process of matting the fibers together to form a piece of fabric. Different external forces like heat and agitation are provided to feel the fibers together. Once the felting process is completed the size of the wool also shrinks by about forty percent.Consolidation
This type of shrinkage is caused due to mechanical strain put on the fiber. Like washing machines, when the clothes are kept inside the washing machine the movement of the washing machine causes the fibers to curl up and tangle with each other.Relaxation
This is the process of immediate release of the tension when the fabric is stretched out. This happens when the tension within the natural fabrics is threatened due to external processes like washing and warm water. The fabric’s size then gets reduces by a certain percentage.How to Wash Wool Without Shrinking?
Now you know what causes the wool to shrink. So, when cleaning them you want to be as careful as you can be. Wools have natural dirt repellant and anti-bacterial properties, so you don’t need to clean or wash the garment as often as other garments. This doesn’t mean that you can go on without washing it, sometimes it needs a good soak and a rinse. So, make sure you do that depending on the condition of your woolen garment. If you are a beginner then here are some tips you will need to follow to keep the wool clean without damaging it.Use Fresh and Cool Water
Use fresh and clean water when you are washing the wool. For example, if you are washing many garments at once then we recommend you to start with fresh water for every garment. This makes sure that you get rid of previous dyes and the chemicals that would damage your garment. Also, make sure the water is cold, not warm or hot. As we have already mentioned before heat is one of the main culprits to shrink the wool garment. So, hot water can also shrink the garment.Wash Gently
This also crucial steps to cleaning your wool garment. Make sure you do not use any sort of harsh movement when washing the garment. This makes sure that agitation is minimal as well as the damage. Wools have naturally dirt repellant, so you wouldn’t need to apply harsh force to clean out the dirt. A simple soak is perfect for the wool to clean the dirt nicely.Thorough Rinse
Make sure you get rid of all the soap remnants when cleaning the woo garments. If the remnants are not removed properly then the chemical from the soap would damage the garment in the long run. So, using the cold water rinse the garment repeatedly. Until you notice clean water running from the garment rinse it repeatedly.Dry Carefully
Before using the garment make sure it is dried properly. We do not recommend using external heat from the dryer or iron. It is best to let the garment air dry. Do not keep it under direct sunlight as it can damage your wool garment. So, the best way to dry your woolen garment is by keeping it in a shady but warm place to dry it. make sure the garment is completely dry. If it is not dried properly then bacteria could build on it.How to Unshrink Wool?